FaithSailing Lady Marguerite 02

In hindsight I could have inspected the boat more thoroughly, pointed out more of his unprofessional attempt at marine applications that were his trade mark on this vessel, and negotiated a better price. At the end of the day, I had pretty much decided to buy the boat, before I went up there all the way to Warwick to buy it. The next day after the purchase transaction, Maryanna and I rolled around town and enjoyed the the local fare. We happened to meet this energetic firey Irish local guy who had that special RI dialect. The next day we went to Newport, ate lobster rolls on the doc and then started back home. In the following weeks I would go back two to three more times. I was welcomed to Dock D, by Warren who would become my dock buddy and a great boat neighbor. Warren stays in his power boat from spring to fall, it was so welcoming and fun to have a pal, to discuss the local happenings, barrow tools, shoot the shit, and get tips for local resources. Before buying the vessel, I had decided the best way to learn sailing and move my boat at the same time, would be for me to find a local sailor and hire to accompany me down the coast. My second visit to Warwick, I was shooting pool at one the local bars with the Irish guy. Since my adhd had kicked in, I got bored with him and ventured over to a lively table that was in a friendly dispute with the bartender and they were asking for my affirmation about some local detail, to which I feigned knowledge and added fuel to the discussion. Having approached the people with the intention of looking for sailor referrals, I asked who knew any sailors in the area? A small man, with sharp blue eyes, who I had already detected as a possibility, raised his hand in confirmation to himself being a sailor Capt. I told him that I was going to sail my Catalina 22, down to Cape May, and was looking for a sailor to accompany. He did not make any agreements there and then, but I pretty much knew he was the one from then. We agreed to take Lady Marguerite out the next day , for a maiden voyage around the Narraganset bay. It was rainy the next day when he showed up, we discussed, canceling the venture that day, but I cracked a bottle of champagne, and we rallied on to the outing. It was then I realized the mercury 4 hp was NOT going to be acceptable propulsion for the boat. There was only small chop that day, and the motor kept breeching the surface cause stress/smoke on the motor and she could hardly make way against the currents/chop. During that visit it became apparent that there would need to be many other upgrades needed. The circa 80s Garmin Navi system came with a Narraganset bay chip, so would be useless after getting out of the local area. The “wiring” job I was bequeathed from the previous owner, was I disaster mess, obviously the Walmart special curtain job, had to go. Rigging needed adjustments. I found a local guy who could do the wiring, he was an interesting guy, power boat owner and immediately was intrigued by the fact I was taking a 22 foot day sailor so far. He was a great help, charged me 700, install the new B&G, and connect all the random wires to little circuit panels. The last time I saw him, his wife, who seemed like she belonged more in Jersey then NE, was there to chaperone him, and sat on the dock in her white pants and hooters shirt with big hair and fake boobs, apparently she was his guard, and also checked his phone daily

poor married people, sometimes I wonder how they do it.

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