Provisioning /eating continued....

Two factors are space/storage/ease of preparation. Next the list for grocery shopping ....apples, or some other type of shelf stable fruits that you like, maybe pineapple, then you can cut it all at once and put in ziplock bags for snacks. whole milk organic no sugar added yogurt (good for fighting germs inside all parts of your body) Also good because you can add so many different topping that are nutrient dense and delicious, such as gogi berries, coconut chips, hemp seeds, granola etc... make little parfaits to go, so when your sailing or on the go to work write, then you just grab the premade cup with lid. Beans and rice or try millet, quinoa, for gluten free grains, These are great sources of plant protein. Get avocados , a bunch of kale, and or broccoli and add to the beans about ten before you are ready to eat. get some Sauerkraut and eat like a tablespoon daily, qet some jam with ezekial bread, nut butters and Dark Chocolate, always have that around and Herbal teas daily text,,, free to email me any specific questions you have, over and out for now.
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